Monday, August 3, 2009

Thirty Years Ago Today, the Scooter Spoke Poetry

From a book SuperFrankenstein and I are rather fond of...


By Phil Rizzuto

There's a little prayer I always say

Whenever I think of my family or when I'm flying,
When I'm afraid, and I am afraid of flying.
It's just a little one. You can say it no matter what,
Whether you're Catholic or Jewish or Protestant or whatever,
And I've probably said it a thousand times
Since I heard the news on Thurman Munson.

It's not trying to be maudlin or anything.
His Eminence, Cardinal Cooke, is going to come out
And say a little prayer for Thurman Munson.
But this is just a little one I say time and time again.
It's just, Angel of God, Thurman's guardian dear,
To whom his love commits him, here, there or everywhere,
Ever this night and day be at his side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.

For some reason, it makes me feel like I'm talking to Thurman,
Or whoever's name you put in there,
Whether it be my wife, or any of my children, my parents or anything.
It's just something to keep you really from going bananas.
Because if you let this,
If you keep thinking about what happened, and you can't understand it,
That's what really drives you to despair.

Faith. You gotta have faith.
You know, they say time heals all wounds,
And I don't quite agree with that a hundred percent.
It gets you to cope with wounds.
You carry them the rest of your life.

August 3, 1979
Baltimore at New York
Pre-game show


Joe said...

40 years ago?

el duque said...

Thanks for the correction, Joe; we don't do math. You want numbers? Go to River Ave.