Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Tonight We Raid Calais."

In the terrible days of WWII, we often sent our best and bravest

to perform impossible tasks in the face of harm's way.

Raiding the occupied Port of Calais on the northwest coast of France was one such venture.

There was great destruction, terror and death on both sides.

But the good guys won.

Turn now to August 6, 2009.  The Bronx.  A spanking new palace
for heroes and legends.

The hated and despised enemy slinks in without welcome.  Their
assigned task is to enslave and humiliate the innocents.

They have done this before.  They have done this 8 times in 2009
and there has been no retribution.  None.  

So the battered, but noble Yankee fans hold their heads in worry.

But if the past is prologue, if we learned anything at all from the fine
efforts of "our best generation," we shall prevail.

It is our time.  It is the world's time.  

Please don't make me swallow the Acetaminophen bottle.

I'm still worried.


She-Fan said...

Wow. You're sounding positively upbeat for you, Alphonso!

Anonymous said...

What Raid on Calais?

Unknown said...


NOBODY raided Calais during WW2 !!!

Allied forces (British and Canadian) made a disasterous raid on the Channel port of DIEPPE !!

PLUS, the 'good guys' (the Allies) lost terribly....

For goodness sake - have you never heard of the words 'Google' or 'Wikipaedia'?

Alphonso of the resistance. said...

It was the underground resistance that raided Calais. Look it up. Watch the movie.

Everything that happened is in the movie.