Friday, March 5, 2010

"...His back stiffened when a cleat caught in the artificial turf mat while he was swinging before the game. Usually, he said, he wears sneakers..."

As noted by the Prophet Alphonso yesterday, Nick "Nomar" Johnson's medical history could bankrupt Obama-Care. And news that he canceled his spring training show conjures fears that the 2010 version of Johnny Damon might be a 2005 model of Carl Pavano.

But The Times, they are a reportin', and the reason for Nick at Naught is far scarier than anything we have yet heard from Tampa.

"Johnson said his back stiffened when a cleat caught in the artificial turf mat while he was swinging before the game. Usually, he said, he wears sneakers when he takes batting practice. Manager Joe Girardi said Johnson was unlikely to play Friday, but Johnson said the injury was not serious and that he could have played if it were a regular-season game."

Folks, this is Henry Cotto Country. (Henry, you may remember, broke an eardrum with a Q-Tip.) Be frayed. Be very frayed. In fact, it's time to worry.

Listen: Some players get hurt smashing into walls, and some tweak their gonads reaching for a cigarette. Years ago, Nick Johnson suffered the worst injury of his career smashing into a wall trying to catch a foul pop, and nobody held it against him. He's not Carl Pavano. And this is a meaningless game. This is a guy is being honest with his manager.

But once again, the problem with Nick Johnson has is the guy he replaced.

And reading that account, you can't help but wonder -- has Nick gotten that old already?

1 comment:

Joe DePastry said...

Remember when we were told that Matsui wouldn't be re-signed because they didn't want to have one guy regularly in the DH spot because they wanted to rotate regulars into it to give them some partial days off? Well, here's why Cashman is a genius. He knew Nick would be an excellent DH on the occasional days when he was healthy, but he also knew that all the days when Nick was unable to play would be available to rotate regulars into the DH spot! The best of both worlds, to coin a phrase.