Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh. My. God.


Anonymous said...

Where on earth did you dig this up?

Is this real? It certainly sounds like Mickey.

el duque said...

Snopes says it's real.

Stang said...

Mary thought "by" the Yankee bullpen meant "from" the Yankee bullpen. I had to explain that this could not be. Unless...

Anonymous said...

Jane Leavey was convinced enough to include it in her new book.

Alibi Ike said...

I'm sure Mick wrote it, and might have done it, but I'm certain his "come-back" was an example of esprit d'escalier ("tunnel wit").

Any chick with enough moxie to give the Mick a pugwash under the bleachers is going to know what to do with a mouthful of man-gravy, just out of habit.

TheWinWarblist said...

Ugh, ugh, ugh ... I don't what to say ... I feel so very dirty and violated ...

Carlos Siiiilva said...

Wow, and I thought David Cone had interesting bullpen stories.