Wednesday, April 13, 2011

As Redsocks lose again, Charlie Sheen offers "bitchin'" hope

Charlie Sheen -- whose recent hit TV show was named after the Yankees pitching rotation -- came to Boston yesterday to give aid and comfort to the struggling Hubville nine.

The hooker-bashing sitcom king and celebrity-from-birth Hollywood truth torpedo visited a Boston radio call in show where, hopefully, he would say something crazy that could generate a few more headlines and keep his Viagra-hazed, coke-is-it marathon afloat for another week.

No luck. He apparently is moving into a "grand old man" phase of evolution; he was asked what everyone in Boston wants to know: What's wrong with the Redsocks.

"I'd tell everybody to shut up, that they'll bounce back," Sheen said. "It's a long season and there's a ton of talent there and a really bitchin' hitters park they play in. Relax."

So there you have it. Relax. Bitchin park. Bounce back. He spake this as Boston was losing to Tampa 3-2.

Sad time. Charlie's losing his edge. Back in the old days, three weeks ago, he would screamed about putting tiger blood on Curt Schilling's socks, or buying Big Papi some quality bush. Now, it's "relax."

Well, he's right. It's way too early to beat on a hooker. Nevertheless... another day, another Boston loss. Adrian Gonzalez has a bad thumb. Carl Crawford has yet to hit. Dice K is totally fried, and everybody knows it. Lackey? Clayman? Dare we dream? How long can they stay down? Let's enjoy it while we can. Back in the good old days, three weeks ago, that's what Charlie would have done.


Rufus T. Firefly said...

I work in Baahstahn. I have to put up with annoying fans every day. The type that will bring up 'facts' like the scrappy small mahket team is the best. team. EVAH!, because they have the best OPS while the moon is in its first phase and if it is an odd numbered Tuesday.

The asinine Best. Team. EVAH! talk before the season even started was especially nauseating. Each loss is pure joy seeing these ess wipes whimper that it is early. I hope they finish 2-160.

Alibi Ike said...

A bitchin' park? He sounds like a Valley Girl. Has he been snorting estrogen by mistake?

VirginiaO'Possum said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Theo dreamed not one but two lean kine at the start of last season. He can't fire all the heroic geezers of 2004, so we have to wait out the prophecy. Enjoy it while you can, Yanquitos.