Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ten Reasons Why There Is No Downside to Signing Curtis Sliwa

1. If anybody steps out of line, anybody, he'll beat them up.

2. His tough talk on the radio show notwithstanding, he has a heart of gold and only wants to do good.

3. He teams with Millwood, Garcia and Colon to comprise the new Yankee Core Four.

4. He'll put fannies in the seats in Moosic.

5. Role model for Andrew Brackman.

6. Is Phil Hughes hitting 80 on the gun?

7. Let's see... running out of ideas... any connection to the campaign to put Roger Maris in the Hall? No? Wait a minute! Curtis Sliwa WOULD put Roger Maris in the Hall.

8. Addition to Scranton could produce domino effect, sending Kei Igawa to Charleston.

9. It's always nice to have the Cubs paying for our pitchers.

10. Wait a minute. It's Carlos Silva? I TAKE IT ALL BACK.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Curtis Sliwa . . .

In 1996, the Braves killed the Yankees in the first two games of the World Series. I listened to John and Michael Kay call the games on radio with the sound muted on the TV. When the second game ended, I was too heartsick to get off the couch and turn off the radio. I listened to the post-game show, and then Curtis Sliwa's talk show came on. I still couldn't get up, so I started listening to Curtis. And he gave a pep talk I'll never forget and for which I'll always be grateful. "Nothing to worry about, Yanks will win the Series." He made me feel much better, and of course, he was right. Maybe the Yanks should sign him -- to replace Suzyn.