Monday, October 17, 2022

ALDS Game 5: O captain, my captain



UPDATE: Oh, crap, we're in a rain delay.   


UPDATE 3: Rufus T. Firefly contributes two Rain Delay Theater videos that are excellent... but scary!      

As you can see in the header, Doug K has pointed out that if the Yankees lose tonight and if they don't sign Judge, this will be his last game in pinstripes.  He says whenever Judge comes up tonight, he should get a standing ovation. I agree, and further propose that those of us at home should, during his every appearance, burst into tears. 


The Hammer of God said...

Indeed, if this is your last game as a Yankee, Aaron Judge, you are the Yankee Captain, as far as we are concerned. Thank you for a great season and for a lot of great memories! AND WE SALUTE YOU!

In the immortal words of AC/DC: Fire!


13bit said...

Looks like some possible breaks in my weather report, but it doesn't really ease up until after 11, according to the dodgy Weather Channel app, which is more like a roulette wheel than anything else.

If I'm in, I'm happy to start a zoom room, but the dissolute bunch in here seem to prefer to remain in the old virtual world, rather than the REAL world of Zoom...

(sticking out tongue and wagging fingers in ears)

Publius said...

Bieber available tomorrow. Great.

AboveAverage said...

There's only one Aaron that we LOVE

The other two will get a SHOVE

Make them fall down in a WELL

Falling, falling straight to HELL

Bursting into nasty FLAMES

Charcoal can't play Yankee GAMES!!!



13bit said...

That was tender and beautiful, AA

BTR999 said...

I burst into tears when I saw Hicks’ name in the lineup

TheWinWarblist said...

I Zoom bitty. And I too.

Stang said...

AboveAverage, that was well above average.

AboveAverage said...

I’m glad that it touched you deeply, 13Bit.

JM said...

No rain, but it might rain. So, delayed.

This shit drives me nuts.

TheWinWarblist said...

The disembodied talking heads on WFAN in place of the game are vomitous.

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

We should all call in to Sweeney Murti and read poetry.

TheWinWarblist said...

On an up note, I taught the dictionary the word "vomitous."


Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

I don’t like Cleveland having fun in our stadium.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

vomitous, really?

Winnie, turn on TBS to get the real explosive emetic effect.

AboveAverage said...

Feel free to pass along my Aarons poem to Sweeney . . .

Mildred Lopez said...


I burst into flames when I saw Hicks' name in the lineup.

If I could ever zoom (without my wife holding my e-hand) I would love to do it with you bastards. I'll never make midnight though.

13bit said...

BJPB - great idea on the poetry. Maybe in the future we can have an annual IIHIIF poetry slam on River Avenue. Gather together, some of us clutching our cokes, others clutching beers, ALL of clutching bundles of paper with poems scribbled on them, poems about love, lust, baseball, Yogi, Ellsbury, Stengel and Elston Howard. Some of us will bring acoustic guitars and sing those trucker folk songs about Gator. Others will bring zithers and dulcimers and sing the old "Ballad of George and Billy" and "Ode to Reggie-O". People will gather around and clap their hands, They will rejoice in the humanity and forget about the things that divide us. The IIHIIF Annual Poetry Slam will be featured in the pages of "Sing Out"" and maybe even achieve worldwide viral status on TikTok. I'm ready, brother and sisters!

TheWinWarblist said...

Ab, I know a proper dictionary know the word vomitous. I taught it to my old work desktop's dictionary.

JM said...

MLB officials are scheduled to meet with the managers at 8 p.m. ET.


Doug K. said...

I'm bored so I will write some jokes...


Aaron Boone is hungry but he's tired of being spotted on the street so he puts on a mustache as a disguise.

So he says to the guy "I'd like a turkey club, extra bacon, a side order of fries, let me get a slice of apple pie, make that two, and a bottle of Budweiser."

The guy looks at him and says, "You're Aaron Boone aren't you"

Boone says, "Yes how did you know?"

And the guy says, "This is a hardware store."


Knock Knock
Who's There
Aroldis who?
Aroldis joint cause I'm out of the league.


JM said...

Good jokes!

JM said...

If we don't play until midnight, I think the coaching staffs should all dress as characters from The Rocky Horror Show. Midnight showing.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

AB and Winnie,

Remember vomitous and vomitus are two separate vilenesses. Although that last word is not a word.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


Who will play Mr. Loaf?

I vote for Wandy.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

More rain delay monster chiller horror theater.

Classics all.

JM said...

Terry Francona as Frank N. Further.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Bob and Doug. Not our Doug, but just as funny.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Merideth or Suzyn as (dammit) Janet?

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

So… I’m betting no game. Feeling it?

13bit said...

I was the originator of "suckitude" and it'll cost you five dollars - payable in Bitcoin - every time you mention it here. In fact, I'm entitled to money if you even THINK the word. That one word alone has paid for my fleet of vintage Cadillacs.

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

It’s not quite vintage, but for some reason in the back of the barn is my Grandparents 1990 Cadillac Fleetwood… absolutely mint… barely used. Died soon after buying it. The cat really likes to sleep on its padded landau roof. You could probably buy that with one suckitude royalty. Grandpa bought it by picking silver coins out of change bags.

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

I just checked in on Sweeney…. He’d absolutely take a few poetry calls right now.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Ethel was great in Airplane!

AboveAverage said...

And Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

Oh fuck I think we’re going to have to listen to this game tonight.

AboveAverage said...

Never Ever gunna forget any part of the 66 Batman phenomenon

Doug K. said...

Dick Shawn baby!

HoraceClarke66 said...

"Above Average"? That poem was above sublime.

Loved the jokes, Doug—especially the Aroldis one!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I had totally forgotten Ethel in Batman.

Shame on me.

That entire series is pure gold.

"You, poor, deluded..... (h)woman.!"


Ken of Brooklyn said...

URRGGG! 4:07 game tomorrow!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Finally called. MLB sucks.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

At least I won't be sleep deprived tomorrow night.

Make that 'hopefully'.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Ah, more fan torture. There will be 10 people watching this sport in another 5 years. Or 5 people in 10 years.

Stang said...

I come back and you’re talking about all my favorite subjects, particularly Ethel Merman and Batman.

BernBabyBern said...

Rufus! Thanks for the MCHT with Count Floyd! I loved SCTV! One of the best shows in TV history.

And tonight's game is officially toast.

BernBabyBern said...

And since we're on a nostalgia kick, here's a musical interlude brought to you by our favorite beer.

Mattingly's Mustache said...

count this farce of a delay/decision making another reason to fire MLB braintrust into the Sun.

JM said...

But what about Uncle Floyd? Even Bowie put him in a lyric.

AboveAverage said...

JM - Did you just type and post that?!?

BOWIE'S HEATHEN is one of my favorite Bowie releases.

Slip Away - one of my favorite tracks.

I was able to purchase a SACD of it and love playing it on my home theater.

Wonderful having DB's vocal isolated on the center channel speaker.

Thanks for listening

EDB said...

Since you wanted to include Chiller Horror Theater. "Very Scary, Donaldson The "Stiff' batting fifth and Barren Hicks batting ninth." I am so scared!

HoraceClarke66 said...

Thanks, Rufus, and very true, Bern! Loved the old SCTV.

My favorite Count Floyd was the one where they accidentally got a Bergman movie, "Hour of the Wolf" or something, and they do a hilarious take off on Bergman. Not quite "De Duva" level, but close!