Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Game Thread: Subway Series



BTR999 said...

Right off the top, Yorres whiffs with bases loaded

BTR999 said...

Verdugo whiffs with the bases loaded.

BTR999 said...

Can’t even type I’m so upset. Over and over again the same shit with this team. They are a fucking joke

The lineup after the top 3 is weaker than watered down coors light.

Doug K. said...

They are just so so inept. Can't even put a ball in play with the bases loaded.

AboveAverage said...

Cole is having arm issues.

Please plan accordingly

AboveAverage said...


See Yah Later

JM said...


JM said...

He looks terrible. We have no lineup after Judge.

Everyone who hates on Stanton, take note. We need him badly, no matter what anyone thinks.

AboveAverage said...

That was a great shot just then of Boone hitting his seed stash.

Eat up Skipper Boone.

You’re gunna need your strength in a bit for your upcoming ejectulation.

TheWinWarblist said...

Bader? Bader. Of course.

JM said...

The best thing about this game is Canada leads Peru 1-0 with three minutes left in extra time.

JM said...

And that's a final.

AboveAverage said...

Gleyber CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!

JM said...

He does hit like a deaf, dumb and blind kid.

Especially dumb.

JM said...

Jesus, we suck. This lineup is awful. Boone should be run out of town.

AboveAverage said...

I’d prefer to have the star of Lisztomania batting instead of Gleyber

JM said...

Davis should never have been signed. This scrap heap bullshit is... well, bullshit. Fucking Cashman.

Carl J. Weitz said...

Tommy Torres really needs to continue his career elsewhere. Ditto Cashman.

JM said...

I'd rather have Ken Russell batting, for that matter.

JM said...

Let Cole pitch til his arm falls off. Save our half assed bullpen for tomorrow.

JM said...

This is pathetic.

I made it to Palm Springs, but I've been up for 17 hours now. This game is not worth staying awake for.

Is Green Acres on somewhere?

AboveAverage said...




AboveAverage said...

JM - I salute your Ken Russell comment.

Glad you know your filmy history

AboveAverage said...

JM you head out to the SPRINGS every summer. Relatives? Second Home? Love of Date Shakes?

I just got back from CleaverLand.

The Airports were choked with humans.

AboveAverage said...

SIX nuthin’ for puffy mcSweaty

JM said...

We just like baking, AA. No other reason, really.

Soto hit a homer. How long has it been?

Cole is not ready to come back from his injury. But he forced the issue. And he blows.

Doug K. said...

Here comes Davis with another chance to show something.

Doug K. said...

So now he's left 5 on base.

AboveAverage said...

JM - you and your wife ever make it up to the Bay Area - beverages* are on me.

*your choice

AboveAverage said...

Judge is Good

Judge is Great

Judge is Groovy

TheWinWarblist said...

I'm wearing my resting curmudgeon face. I'm going home to drink. Good night Commentariat.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Mongo Santa Maria!

Leave for a nice dinner, come back, and ca$hmageddon hits.

Glad I missed it.

"I wouldn't say I've been *missing* it, Bob!"

AboveAverage said...

Winny - Next time you’re here - we should get a beverage as well

JM said...

Thanks, AA!

AboveAverage said...


Rufus T. Firefly said...

I'm beginning to think that Trevino can't throw runners out stealing.

Rufus T. Firefly said...


AboveAverage said...


AboveAverage said...

JM - you’re welcome. Anyone that knows Ken Russell deserves a beverage

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Billy Martin would have removed Gleyber Cano mid-inning.

AboveAverage said...


Hinkey Haines said...

There’s a September 2000 stench to this team (I don’t have any sense there’s an October 2000 in them). The rout is on in the first couple of innings.

AboveAverage said...

Groovy Judge

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I miss the mad king George in that both Bonehead *and* Ca$hole would be unemployed by sun-up

Rufus T. Firefly said...

There's a 1990 stench about this team.

Mattingly = Judge

AboveAverage said...

Goody Judge

BTR999 said...

To paraphrase The Boss (the real one)

“It’s a team full of losers
I’m pulling out of here to win”

‘night, All

AboveAverage said...

Judge is GROOVY

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Gleyber Cano rally killer

AboveAverage said...

Play like you got a pair, La May Hue

AboveAverage said...


Rufus T. Firefly said...

Say good night Gracie

Pocono Steve said...

We suck.

HoraceClarke66 said...

In fairness to Aaron Boone, I don't believe that Casey Stengel, with John McGraw, Joe McCarthy, Walter Alston, and Sparky Anderson on his coaching staff, could win with this team.

This is going to be an epic fail.

AboveAverage said...

Rubbing salt in the Boone, Hoss.

Love it!

Publius said...

Cole on the DL yet?