Sunday, June 9, 2024

Game Thread:The Differences Between NY and LA


Because at this point all we can do is laugh.

         Plus, we have Gil on the mound. So maybe...



TheWinWarblist said...

LA are not Minnesota.

I was at the Friday night game. The best moments were Poteet and the Bacon on a Stick.

Fuck King George for leaving the franchise to Hal.

AboveAverage said...

Hey Doug….. Maybe Winny meant to say, “Buck King George for leaving the franchise to Hal.

(Love the Gil picture)


Our new centerfielder isn’t bad either

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Winnie, that was easily the mad King's worst mistake (and he made plenty of horrible ones).

Pocono Steve said...

Not watching this!

AboveAverage said...

Curse of the Mic’d up player

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Hate the mic -- at least it's over in the 2nd.

But we'll be subjected to a trolley dodger doing it.

Can't stand the play by play guy.

AboveAverage said...

Dodger Pitcher Giasnow seems to have a potty mouth.

Now his Randy Johnson is showing

TheWinWarblist said...


AboveAverage said...


TheWinWarblist said...


TheWinWarblist said...

Everyone must get The Bacon Ona Stick when they go to the stadium.

JM said...

DJ trying to steal? Jesus.

Doug K. said...

Eduardo Perez sounds like Donald Sutherland to me.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Perez sound like a Yankee hater to me.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Coney sounds like the guy you'd wanna have drinks with, but really, really regret it in the morning when your head won't stop pounding.

Doug K. said...

I like that Gil went up and in against Kiki.

Doug K. said...

That low and away pitch worked because Hernandez was made to be uncomfortable. It's about time Too often the Yankees let guys get too comfortable in the box.

I know he just gave up a double to tie the game but I still like what he did.

Doug K. said...

Spike Lee is in the house. We're doomed!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

That wasn't good.

JM said...

Fucking Teoscar.... stupid fucking name, too.

JM said...

Bring in Soto.

AboveAverage said...

The curse of the Mic’d Player

JM said...

Hey, here's yer inflammation, right here.

BTR999 said...

Another clutch Stanton AB

AboveAverage said...


TheWinWarblist said...



AboveAverage said...


ranger_lp said...

Glasnow getting hammered…

JM said...

Grish! Grish! Grish!

JM said...

You know, maybe he's not bad.

JM said...

And now, the bullpen dregs. Not from Dixie.

JM said...


JM said...

Nice play by Trevino and Gleyber both.

AboveAverage said...

Was that GLEYBER?

Holy Torres!

I’m liking this game!

TheWinWarblist said...

Gleyber turned a double play? Made possible by a good play by Trevino. I'm so confused.

TheWinWarblist said...

Grisham has his average up to 0.100.

JM said...

That was some strikeout.

ranger_lp said...


AboveAverage said...

Maybe we should e x t e n d Judge

TheWinWarblist said...

Judge's average is currently 0.303. I believe a few of us were bemoaning a hidden career threatening (or at least season ending)injury.

And now he's homered again.


Pocono Steve said...

(Not that I'm watching, mind you) but it's too bad Santana isn't still around to try and hold the lead in the 9th.

JM said...

Is Santana finally gone?

JM said...

Yes!!! Finally!!!

JM said...

Who is this fucking guy announcing? Eduardo somebody? God, he sucks, and his voice is really annoying.

TheWinWarblist said...

Clay Holmes makes my perineum ache. In a bad way.

AboveAverage said...


ranger_lp said...

@JM…Tony Perez’s son… had a decent MLB career…

JM said...

I don't like him.

Fucking Holmes.

TheWinWarblist said...

See? See? See what I mean!? This is what I'm saying about Holmes.

JM said...

He's not a closer.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win!!!

JM said...

Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!!!!

JM said...


AboveAverage said...


ranger_lp said...

Well the Starr Insurance Yankees beat the Guggenheim Baseball Management Dodgers…and avoid the sweep…

Pocono Steve said...

Woo hoo!

TheWinWarblist said...

Fuck. Thuhuhuh Yankees won. Salvaging a dreadful and exhausting weekend which stripped us of all illusions that this team could accomplish anything at all ever.

TheWinWarblist said...

Seriously. The best part of this weekend was going to the game Friday night and having the miracle that is The Bacon Ona Stick.

Pocono Steve said...

Yeah. Keep losing at this clip to good teams and that's like a 4 games to 2 loss in a Series we're not going to make anyway.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

JM, Ranger,

Eduardo was Tony Perez's son. Had a long career *because* of that, not his talent. -4 career WAR. Fucking HATES the Yankees. Fuck him.

BTR999 said...

Also, a very good start by Cole today for Somerset. He’s ready
Dominguez 4-5 @ SWB including a HR. He’s ready
Even Nancy Newman looks good. She’s ready
Peraza at .145. She’s not ready.

Dodgers are pretty loaded, it would’ve meant so much to win this series. This week brings us 7 games on the road, 4 at KC, 3 at Fenway.

Carl J. Weitz said...

If the Yankees could acquire Mason Miller from Oakland, they'd have the best closer in all MLB. It would greatly enhance their chances. The A's won't need a closer for a few years and the Yankees have some top-end minor league talent and some expendable young MLB-ready position players ( Think Gleyber) that they could swing the deal. Of course, a few other contending teams will be aggressive, no doubt, over the next 6 or so weeks.

HoraceClarke66 said...

A great day for New York City baseball, here and with the Mets' win in London. Nice to see SOME NYC teams finally beat someone hard.

Can't stand Eduardo, either. And yes, he hates the Yankees.

DickAllen said...

A person like Giancarlo doesn't have the good things and he doesn't have the bad things, but he doesn't have the good things.

It's amazing. We've gotten older each year and he seems to stay exactly the same.

You know what comes to my mind every time I see him?


The Seagram's Building. Isn't that funny?

He's the one guy I know I feel should drink more.

What would we do without you?
How would we ever get through?
Who would we complain about for hours?

My sincerest apologies to Stephen Sondheim.

TheWinWarblist said...

Sondheim? I fucked him!

Publius said...

Series salvaged, but for chrissake Grisham hit 5th. Alll things considered, cannot dismiss the possibility that Soto has a case of temporary Boras-itis. "Take the series off against LA. Remind them how valuable you are". If so, worked splendidly. The only guy who arguably had a better weekend than Scottie B was Rickie Ricardo. His asking price probably went up too. "This is the voice big games demand".

HoraceClarke66 said...

Pretty unforgivable, Warbler. But great.