Saturday, June 15, 2024

Now is the time to put the Redsocks out of their misery


We can do it. This weekend. Next two nights. Rodon, tonight. Stroman, tomorrow.

We can flatten them, knock them below Toronto, maybe even Tampa. 

We can drive a spike into their hopes for the AL East. We can seriously degrade their shot at the wild card.  

It's been a while since we could do this. When was the last time a converted Redsock led us to victory at Fenway? Roger Clemens? Wade Boggs? Now... Alex Verdugo! And with two nights to go. A miniature Boston Massacre? Sign me up. 

Listen... they are reeling. They are knock-kneed, staggering in the middle of the ring, their hands at their sides. Last night, they crapped their beds. After Rafael Devers, their lineup looks paltry, Triple A. They have nothing like Soto and Judge.  

We can do this. 

Ryan McBroom. Ryan McBroom! RYAN MCBROOM! 


Publius said...
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Publius said...

Rodon means they're the Ref Sox tonight. He's a borderline all star this year (no shit). Hope our heroes can hang in there.

HoraceClarke66 said...

The consistency of the starting pitching continues to amaze me—and Cole is not even back yet.

Thinking all the more what a pity it was we didn't re-up Sevvy to put in the pen. But I can't honestly blame even Cashman for concluding he was never going to bounce back.

Gary Frenay said...

Duque, I thought you learned your juju lesson the last time you prematurely trotted out Ryan McBroom....

DickAllen said...

I want to echo Gary's sentiment.

SHUT UP!!!!!!!

Ye gods, talk about premature ejaculation!

As Nuke Laloosh once said: "We’ve got to play them one day at a time. I just want to give it my best shot, and the good Lord willing, things will work out."

JM said...

Holmes is a huge problem. The only way to keep winning is to do what the Yanks have often been doing: pile up such a big lead that Holmes is not used.

With Santana gone, the bullpen is markedly improved. Weaver and Tonkin, amazingly, have turned out to be really good. Ferguson and Gonzales are still really iffy. Maraschino is...who knows? Maybe he'll regain his original big-league form.

But Holmes...Holmes is not a closer. And by the time the organization comes around to that--if they ever do--it may be a moot point. I can't see him struggling into the postseason and then succeeding against very good lineups.

Clay has, yes, feet of clay. We have trouble, right here in River City. 50-22 can change fast.

JM said...

Note to Cashbrain: the Astros let Jose Abreu go even though they owe him over 30 million. See? That's how you do it.

ranger_lp said...

@JM…it’s rare for the Yanks to admit a mistake…letting go Hicks is akin to a total solar eclipse…

Carl J. Weitz said...

To quote Don Henley:

"Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em when they're up
Kick 'em when they're down
Kick 'em all around".

Publius said...

Hoss, Sevy should have been put in the pen in 2017 and left there. A low key Cash-tastrophe insisting he's a starter.

AboveAverage said...

I've just been informed that Winny's west coast visit has caused the SCEDC at CALTEC to activate an additional team of technicians to patrol and investigate any unusual seismic activity long the fabric of the Northern California Bay Area fault lines.

I'll post more updates when and if any additional information becomes known.

TheWinWarblist said...



Fuck Hal.

TheWinWarblist said...

'Duque's hubris is shocking. Appalling. Misguided. Uncharitable. Despicable.

Death the red socks. Yes, for sure ... but first a little Roo Roo!

HoraceClarke66 said...

Another jaw-dropping night for Gleyber.

0-4, with 4 guys left on base, three in scoring position. And a double-play.

His agent HAS explain how free agency works. Right?

AboveAverage said...

I think that Gleyber's agent is simply embarrassed into silence and hasn't spoken much over the past couple of months.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Now is not the time to think of brooms. Now is the time to think of winning tonight.

Beat the carmines like a drum is in order.

And I apologize in advance for all of the swearing about fox announcers.

Mr. Not Average, Gleyber's agent is crying over the fact that whatever the underachiever loses in free agency, he loses 10% of that. He's not able to say much while convulsively sobbing.

Doug K. said...

Game thread is up.