Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Gamey thread



AboveAverage said...

Thank you JM - I was just about to do this - wrangled up a fun shot as well - next time ;)

JM said...

I'm going to Germany tomorrow for about three weeks, AA. No game threads from there, too big of a time difference.

JM said...

And, um, Gleyber?

JM said...

If only Cone could call the game solo.

JM said...

Mr. Graceful.

AboveAverage said...

Iglesias Can talk and play at the same time….

BTR999 said...

LeMahieu continues his torrid play

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

sOtO could not catch that one…

AboveAverage said...

JM - that thank above was genuine- when I saw no one had launched a thread I figured that I should

JM said...

Sulu could not catch that one.

JM said...

AA, thanks for the thanks. Not many guys feeling motivated, I guess. Can't blame them.

JM said...

Rockies beat Red Sox 20-7. Cora gets $21.7 million three year contract.


JM said...


AboveAverage said...

Sign Soto Soto Sign

AboveAverage said...

Delay the game - golf cart a desk and chair out to right field and SIGN SOTO

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

Launching Weather

Rufus T. Firefly said...

I can't watch anymore.

AboveAverage said...

Who’s the guy in the booth that sounds like he snorted a hard boiled egg up his nose?

AboveAverage said...

Rufus! Who gave you permission to watch?

JM said...

I never snorted a hard boiled egg. Any good?

AboveAverage said...


JM said...

Skip the salt.

AboveAverage said...

DeeJay La Hang it up Dude

AboveAverage said...

It’s the shell that’s murder

Pocono Steve said...

Bucket of horsefuck. I ain't doing this, and I actually mean it this time.

AboveAverage said...

So good bye 2024

JM said...

Cole is not good.

JM said...

Good night to go to bed early.

JM said...

Judge gets hit by a bounced pitch. That's a new one.

JM said...

Manaea running out of steam.

JM said...

Two outs, bases loaded, new pitcher is Ottavino.

Come on, kid.

Kevin said...

The horror, the horror

JM said...


Kevin said...

This lineup. EarlfuckingWeaver couldn't win with this roster. Or Martin, or Cox, or.....

Kevin said...

JM, have a great time in Germany! Meanwhile, we will endeavor to persevere... In the summer. In the city.

BTR999 said...

…in the night…in the dark.

Safe travels!

BTR999 said...

The password is: putrific.

acrilly said...

There is zero percent chance Ba-Boone actually thinks about the batting order…none. It’s like the Magic 8 Ball is doing the big decisions for him.

BTR999 said...

Seems like Judge is taking a lot of called third strikes. In situations like this, he’s got to be swinging.

Doug K. said...

They are a bad team. Swept by the Met at home. Just pathetic.

AboveAverage said...

Time to take the team out behind the barn…..

Doug K. said...

This is humiliating.

Doug K. said...

George would be apoplectic.

AboveAverage said...


Doug K. said...

Why is Judge still out there?

AboveAverage said...


ranger_lp said...

Embarrassing is an understatement…

BTR999 said...

Doug, I’m sure George is, wherever he is…
Maybe he’ll haunt Hal

AboveAverage said...


BTR999 said...

Sometimes there are no words

Kevin said...

BTR999 "at night.... in the dark", BTR are you quoting from "The Haunting"?

BTR999 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BTR999 said...

Yes Kevin. The team is like a horror story.

Kevin said...

Yeah, no kidding........

Rufus T. Firefly said...

A little late, but...

JM, safe travels and prost! 🍻