Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Let's Not.

Tyler Kepner of the Times is reporting that the Yanks are considering trading for the Florida Marlins' slightly overweight third baseman Miguel Cabrera, or possibly any other third baseman alive today. Or maybe not.

Truly great journalism.


Stang said...

It'll be fine. Sgt. Girardi won't let Miggy eat anything but lettuce leaves and a weekly grape. It'll be like Rodney Dangerfield in Easy Money.

Anonymous said...

Hughes, Kennedy and Melky. That's what they demand from us.

Then they trade them elsewhere for a bucket of balls.

That's what Mitchell ought to be investigating: The unfair trade practices of MLB when it comes to dishing off stars to the Yankees.

rap said...

I love Miguelito (from back when he was "ito") but giving up young pitchers? Uh uh.

Anonymous said...

Alphonso speaks;

I hate it when sports writers in NY get fat and lazy. They play fantasy baseball all year long, using their newspapers as the game board.

They don't know anything. And, more importantly, they have useless ideas.

They show the same wisdom and vision as our Government.

If this were Pakistan, we could root them out from their homes and beat them with canes.

The Yankees must do nothing stupid, just because the sports writers claim they should.

We can never win if we don't develop our own superstars, and use an occasional " smart " trade to bring in a David Justice when the need is critical.

I hope Cashman and Grunk ( stubby steinbrenner ) go public and simply say: "we have no interest in Arod in any form; we will not trade any of the aforementioned pitchers for anyone; the only people available for trades are: Eric Duncan, Edwar Ramirez, Matt De Salvo and Tyler Clippard. We will pay you millions of dollars, but will trade no young talent of value ever again. "

Please do not buy or read any papers ( except for articles written by el Duque ), listen to any radio, watch any television or speak to anyone from Massachusetts until Spring Training.

Otherwise, I will nominate you to serve in the US Embassy in Bagdhad.

Anonymous said...

Kepner's an idiot. The Yankees aren't even looking for a third basemen. Doesn't he know that by opting out, A-Rod really wants in? Geez, Kepner, read your own paper once in awhile.