Wednesday, April 2, 2008

We Are Losing Focus

I think I should remind everyone that there was a Yankee game last night.

We won 3-2.

Melky was amazing; Joba was amazing; Mo was perfect; Gumby was a defensive standout.

None of our bullpen guys who can't throw strikes had to pitch ( thanks, Chin Ming ).

Let's remember why we are here. Why we are paid all this money.

There is another game tonight.



Anonymous said...

WTF are you talking about?! Have the meds worn off? Have you taken some of the brown acid we told you to stay away from?

I am focussed like a laser, you drunken sot.

Turn off Matlock and get back to work, you supercilious dish rag.


Anonymous said...

I sold him some... any more takers?

Anonymous said...

I am high on life.

Stang said...

Can't post. Mariners lost.

Anonymous said...

Stop bickering, all of you.

Jesus Montero is prepared to die for your sins, and all you do is complain?

That's what the Redsocks want.

Wailin' Suzyn said...

Jesus Montero? You mean the kid with the menacing sword?

Wailin' Suzyn said...

Oh, and dudes, let's take a vote on that Mookie thing. He was even a Yankee for crissake.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the Mookie thing either, other than it's a funny name and rhymes with cookie.

Mysterious are the ways of el Duque.

If we're looking for mets with funny names, how about Pumpsie Green (who also integrated the redsocks)?

Or Ed Kranepool?

Or just forgetting the whole thing?

Anonymous said...

Mookie qualifies for what he did to Boston.

Or were you rooting so hard for the Twins that year that you don't remember?

Wailin' Suzyn said...

Mookie says: "Mysterious are the ways of el duque when he's had a couple of beers on opening day and decides to start quoting an obscure Met on a Yankee blog."

BernBabyBern said...

Um, Mookie doesn't rhyme with cookie ...

It almost rhymes with El Duque, though.

I like it.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you never heard Ralph Kiner, B3. He rhymed Mookie with cookie.

In fact, he might be a good subject for, oh, I don't know; a book maybe?

Wailin' Suzyn said...

Does it really matter if Mookie ryhmes with cookie or rookie or hookey or nookie?

His smiling face atop our blog is making me nuts!

Death to Smoochie, I mean, Mookie!

Anonymous said...

Apparently, you are losing focus.

Mookie is all about focus.

Anonymous said...

Dukie needs to be committed. To a sanitarium.

Wailin' Suzyn said...

Hey, Ned, tell us somethin' we don't know.

No More Mookie.

No More Mookie.

No. More. Mookie!

Anonymous said...

You crazy Hooligans are something else. Sometimes, I can't even tell that you are kidding.

You almost got me there for a while.

Wailin' Suzyn said...

Hey, duque...

I just noticed, did Whitey just call you "supercilious"?!

Anonymous said...

What is this RSS feed business? What the hell does that have to do with the Yankees?

Stang said...

The RSS feed business? Ask your kids. Hint: I don't have to come here and click open a bunch of stupid pages to see new comments, because I know what this RSS feed business is. And no, I won't get off your lawn.

Mookie once dealt the Redsocks a serious wound, so I say he belongs here. And I like the fortunes. But I think you should change it to the even funnier Fortune Duque. As long as you don't put your picture up.