Thursday, May 1, 2008

Dear Readers, You Suck

I don't know why you get to pick the Yankee Employee Of The Month. If it were up to me, you wouldn't get a vote.

Wang had a month. No doubt. But I picked -- and still pick -- Farnsy, who buzzed Manny and then had to endure a three day suspension and two grand fine.

And he suffered these injustices with the grace of Saint Stephen. After all that, the last thing he deserves is to have to put up with you and your shit.

You should have voted for him.


Sean said...

I voted for Wang because he pitched great.

Anonymous said...

Funny, CMW wasn't even in the running until someone... I wonder who... suggested him. Duh!

Wailin' Suzyn said...

Dear Sean,

Don't be offended.

TOM THE BOMB!!! is just yankeeing your chain a little.

We value our readers, really, but TOM THE BOMB!!!, well, he's a LITTLE DIFFERENT!!!

Wang deserved the support and affection of everyone in Yankeeland. If it weren't for him, even the Tampa Bay Deviled Eggs would be laughing at the Bronx -- LAUGHING, I SAY!!!

michael kei said...

"yankeeing your chain"

I think the Tampa Eggs laughed at that. EVEN I'M LAUGHING!

Anonymous said...

Kyle the Funky Hunter didn't get my vote because he failed to plunked Manny in the butt.

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, the selection of Wang bothered me, too.

First of all, where is the irony? The sarcasm? the message within a message?

Where is the Goddamn JOKE?

Big deal; Wang went 5-0 for April. Are we going to give May to the guy with the best batting average?

Who is running this show, anyway?

I voted for the construction worked who " blew the whistle " on the Ortiz jersy gig. Duhhhhh!!!

How could any of you vote for anyone else?

I am now more worried about the voting public in this country than I am about the 2008 Yankees, or our oil dependence, or the economy, or the war, or the recession, or the lack of health care, or the multi-trillion dollar defecit, or our brain-dead representatives in DC, or that guy in the pointy hat and the batmobile.

What the hell is wrong with you?

I want a revote and a recount. And I don't want Wang as a candidate.

Anonymous said...

Did you campaign for your candidate, Alphonso?

Did you call people? Did you write letters, editorials?

Just because democracy didn't elect your candidate doesn't mean we should throw it overboard.

Anonymous said...

I thought campaigning was too negative an idea.

Plus, I have no money until my big win kicks in from Vegas on the 11000-1 odds bet that , between them, Ian and Phil would have no more than 1 Yankee win by the allstar break.

I felt that the construction worker choice was obvious and clear.

How could we elect someone who is simply effective and good ...ok, excellent? How can we support performance and positive results?

We don't do that in America. And we are the lead exporters of Democracy, in case you haven't been paying attention.

Do we elect someone effective and good ( ok excellent ) for President? Go ahead, try to reason your way through this one.

We threw out the vote when Bush didn't get enough to win.

Why can't we do the same for Chin Ming?