Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yankee Victory Quiz

Today we lost Wilson Betemit because he has...
a) Pinkeye
b) Pink Lady
c) Pink underwear
d) Pink Hammy

Today's win means we are...
a) back at .500
b) on a one-game winning streak.
c) back in the Wild Card chase
d) not going to lose every game this year to Detroit.

Who said after the game: "I know my limitations."
a) Darrel Rasner.
b) Steven Hawkings.
c) George W. Bush
d) God.

Monday, Alex Rodriguez will have another...
a) MRI
b) CPR
c) PBR
d) HIV

After retiring the side in the eighth, Joba Chamberlain showed...
a) No great emotion.
b) His genitals.
c) His nipple rings.
d) How to do "the dirty boogie."

Jason Giambi said today, "Big G can't slow down. Once the train gets going, there's no brakes." Of whom was he referring?
a) Jason Giambi.
b) Gary Coleman.
c) George W. Bush.
d) God.

Betemit will go on the DL and be replaced by...
a) Alberto Gonzalez
b) Karl Rove
c) Condoleezza Rice
d) Scooter Libby

Mariano Rivera's ERA for the year is...
a) 0.00
b) Zip.
c) Zero.
d) Nada.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. e. Pink Panther
2. e. equipped with a No.3 starter that can throw strikes
3. e. Someone besides Hillary
4. e. press conference
5. e. how to be a Dellucci-approved good-mannered pitcher
6. it has to be c
7. e. Blowfish
8. e. a perfect 0