Sunday, October 5, 2008

Arod in NY v. War in Iraq: A scientific comparison


Iraq War: Spring 2003
NY ARod: February 2004

War: $700 billion
Arod: $280 million

War: Frightening false claims that Saddam was developing WMD.
Arod: Frightening false claims that Theo would get him.

Immediate result:
War: Lost focus on chasing and killing Osama bin Laden.
Arod: Lost focus on chasing and killing Curt Schilling.

Situation last year:
War: "We can't leave, things are going bad."
Arod: "We can't trade him, he's hitting well."

Current situation:
War: "We can't leave, things are going well."
Arod: "We can't trade him, he's hitting bad."

View of Madonna:*
War: Bad.
Arod: Rrrr-rrr-rwwww!

*Obligatory punchline. We at IT IS HIGH regret the staggeringly overused Madonna punchline cliche, and hereby vow to discontinue the practice immediately if and when the Yankees win a World Series or sign Manny Ramirez as a free agent, in the latter case thereby voiding all other punchlines, because of the immensity of the new oblgatory punchline possibilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leave Alex alone!! :sobs: