Saturday, March 7, 2009

Catwoman rocks!

There's no question that Pete Abe's blog is the go-to place on the Intertubes for shaking, breaking and quaking Yankee news, views and shmooze, but other places are worth checking out too among the offerings by the Yankees Beat Generation.

The boyish but charming Ty The Guy has a lovely place and the city tabloids offer ample back and forth from the outer boroughs and Jersey, too and the Island and far away places like Connecticut but I'm here to tell you that Catwoman rocks, man.

Forget about the fact that she scribes for Newsday, the redheaded stepchild of New York newspapers. Catwoman is a deceptively smooth writer, not prone to histrionics, sensationalism or blovaition. She's a smart one; a solid reporter with a canny sense of what we wanna know, what it means and why. Plus, she's quite excellent at reading between the lines. Like here, a typically solid, understated slice of work.

I'm not saying that we should bail on the big galoot; not at all. No way and no how. Never! But check out Catwoman.

I suffer fools easily and always try to keep everyone honest, awake, aware and in overdrive, so take my word when I tell ya: She rocks.


Anonymous said...

Kat O'Brien

Over/Under 5'04"

Anonymous said...

Is that horizontal or vertical?

Never mind. So what?

Anonymous said...

What, you hitting that or something, whitey?

Anonymous said...

I think you are hitting yourself a bit too much, Mr. A. Give it a rest.