Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day Three in Tampa and I'm Back to my Usual Tricks


A few tidbits I forgot to pass along from last night's game:

1. She-Fan has requested that I use certain contacts from the South Mexico Independent Dirt Field League to "disappear" two current Yankees...Shelly Duncan and that Beroa guy who was mis-playing second base all night. I promised her she would not see them on the Big Club.

She doesn't like guys who make errors.

2. Yankee pitchers drilled Gary Sheffield twice. Heh, heh.

We are back from another Yankee loss ( 3-1 and the Yankees had 6 hits ). The Braves hit three solo dingers to RF for their runs. Here is the skinny:

1. We played a lot of real guys today...Hideki, Teixeira ( actually both Yankee Teixeira's played ), Nady, Damon, Melky and Chin Ming. They all did well enough. Teixiera made a Tino/Mattingly/ Mankevich type play at FB. He is worth his $181 million, just for defense.

2. The guy who sells cotton candy makes sounds like a bird, instead of using words. He sold out about 50 "platforms"of the spun sugar, and wowed the crowd. We should all do more of that.

3. Cody Cool Name played SS today and , again, had a fine game on both sides of the ball.

4. Someone please look up this "Pena " dude. He wears #90 and is not listed anywhere, but he played second today and made a play Beroa could not make.....I mean, the kid has a glove, range, and hits. Is he 45?

5. P.J. Piliterre caught today and hit a solid single to CF. But he had a base stolen on him....

6. Melky hit a well-stroked liner to left, but it did not have the "happy ending"one looks for. It was caught.

7. We had to live through nearly 3 innings of Brett Tomko. Except for the 400 foot dinger he gave up to his first batter, he settled-in decently. Yawn.

8. There are far too many really fat people ( XXXL shorts and tank tops ) eating too much fried , fat food at this ballpark. The healthiest food choice is deep fried chicken strips with melted cheese, chili, and marshmallows. There are some horrifying sites of our fellow fans....but they make me look skinny and fit, so what do I care?

9. Phil Coke gave up a first pitch dinger, then settled down. He looked decent....although his ERA for the game was 9.00.

10. Every pitching change has an advertising sponsor. I think Kaneko Teixeira was the "Enterprise Car Rental "guy, and someone named DelaRosa ( a lefty ) represented Carrier Air Conditioning"" ( or are they bankrupt?)

11. I have now watched the Yankee's top position prospect for two years in Tampa and he has yet to get a hit. Are you reading this AJ?

12. Here is another research project for our crack staff; who the hell is Mike Dunn? A lefty who pitched the last half inning ( top of 8th ) against the Braves and looked impressive.

13. I am now 1-4-1 in three years at Tampa. About the same record I have in general.

My buddy and I are now heading off to drink Manhattans, watch basketball and eat steaks. All for the economy.

I come back to America tomorrow and will see you all at some bar on the west side.


Anonymous said...

About time you provided more info on food. Now, you're reporting!

Anonymous said...

90 is Ramiro Pena - a decent prospect whose ceiling is reportedly as utility infielder.

Mike Dunn is a converted outfielder, with only a year or two pitching experience, who was added to the 40 man roster this year. I saw him against the USA team and he looked great then too.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on Pena. He looks good. And Tomko only gave up one Bombko, which is good for him. I didn't see the cotton candy vendor/bird chirper but there was a vendor telling women to buy his nuts. Wish you were still here, Alphonso. This town is dead without you.