Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yankeetorial: Will we betray Jesus in the auction for Halladay?

To the Yankiverse,

It hath begun, as the fates foretoldeth it.

The Blue Jays will soon start shopping baseball's best pitcher to the pennant racers, which will be like waving porterhouse over a pack of ravenous hyenas.

Last call for the 2009 pennant.

It's us or Boston. Who wants it more?

Despite all our past love and kinky lust for Jesus Montero, Phil Hughes, Joba, Austin Jackson, Brett Gardner, et al... they'll soon be chum, as we drag the sea for Mr. Roy Halladay.

Montero? Figure him gone, though Toronto will trash his catching ability. They'll probably also demand Austin Romine or Francisco Cervelli. Yeowww.

Hughes? He is so out-the-door that it might even affect his head this week. They'll demand pitching. Because we're the Yankees, they'll ask for Joba, too. Ohwwwwhhh.

Austin Jackson. They'll want him. They won't accept Melky or Gardner. And maybe none: They don't need outfielders. Ouch.

Others? Oh, God. Yeah, others. Melancon, Nova, Robertson... if they throw in Vernon Wells... we might as well sign over our entire farm system.

This isn't Xavier Nady. This is baseball's best pitcher. They won't take Karstens, Jackson and a life subscription to Harpers.

Boston will start with Buckholtz and Bard, Masterson, Lowrie and of course their former future Hall of Famer, Jacoby Ellsbury. But if they can throw at us Beckett, Lester and Halladay... well... I sure hope Chien-Ming's sinker starts dropping.

In other words, the season is about to start. That first half? Warm-up.

Soon, someone will hold the nuclear option.

Good deal? Bad deal? Who knows? It's all in the details. Hey, anybody heard from Damaso Marte?


Anonymous said...

Well to be honest maybe the Yankees should trade Jesus or Jackson, Cervelli, Miranda or Duncan or Joba Or Hughes Since they are incapable of developing players anymore and definetly never use them over the old geazers that play the positions now. Just check the 40 man Roster.
The problem with the organization is not bringing up people to fast it is pulling the hook even faster so you get young guys always looking over their shoulder and playing that way.
Look at the disaster that this year is shaping up to be. They traded two 23 prospects for a has-been corner player in his thirties. We waited and waited for a never-was right fielder instead of promoting Duncan.
They play games with Gardner and play the aging-defensive liability in left field and the Never-Was in right and the guy who should play the corner in center.
They take the good starter(Hughes remember he shut out the Rangers in 8 innings) and made him the 8th inning guy and took the great eighth inning guy and made him a below average starter(lasting 5 innings and have a .273 against avg. an outing a great starter does not make).
They let Matsui take up space as a DH, when your fielders need that spot so they can have a half day off.
So trade for Halladay, you are unable to bring up youth and they use finished players at the end of their careers(Bret Tomko, Jose Molina anybody). They finally argument for is that Wang looks about finished as is Pettite. Another October sitting home watching football is in this teams future.

Dennis Tampa

Anonymous said...

oh they'll make the post season on the strength of their budget alone this year. I think thats a definite.

Nevertheless your criticisms are warranted, and they certainly aren't going to win a championship at this rate.

As Yankees fans we are very spoiled. Still with better handling of young players, you'd have to imagine we'd be even better. In all honesty the intense pressure from the fans and media are what force the Yanks to make all these stupid moves all the time.

After the amazing run in the late 90s (which the Yankees truly hadn't seen for 30 years, which was a different world in baseball), the expectation has been unfathomably high. Nobody has any patience for letting a young kid come up and make some mistakes through growing pains. There's no way a rookie Bernie Williams or even a Derek Jeter would make the team right now.