Monday, March 1, 2010

10 Reasons We Should Be Happy

1. The Redsocks still have two years left on J.D. Drew's $70 million contract.

2. Jesus is on our side.

3. Nobody in the American League improved enough to challenge us for the Wild Card, in case that's our fallback.

4. It's increasingly clear that Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera and Jorge Posada will never wear a different jersey in their playing careers.

5. We have about 10 decent pitchers vying for three slots on the staff.

6. At least one young pitcher -- Joba, Hughes, Robertson, Aceves, Melancon, Nova, et al -- will surely have a great Yankee career. Might be more. At least one.

7. Andy Pettitte will retire as a Yankee.

8. The Redsocks are toying with Dustin Pedroia batting fifth.

9. If we welcomed back Javy Vazquez, it means Melky, Damon, Hideki -- they'll all be back in pinstripes before it's over.

10. We are the 2009 World Champions.

1 comment:

Kenny Phelps said...

I'd like to add #11: Boston signed Mike Cameron so the Yankees couldn't.