Monday, April 5, 2010

The Chan Ho Bridge to Joba looks a mite shaky

Whatever happened to all those arms in spring training?

We traded Brian Bruney, scrapped Chad Gaudin, sent Melancon back to the mines, pleasured ourselves with Pat Venditte and fillibustered for three weeks about what to do about Ace or Sergio, because we were up to our armpits in arms.

Then, last night -- BOOM, POOF, STURTZE.

Our bullpen had a worse Easter than the Pope. Yeah, it's early. Yeah, everybody can bounce back. But whatever happened to the bridge over the River Pedroia?

One fear: We dramatically overestimated Chan Ho Park. Too early to call. But watching him get rolled, it was like a flashback to the 00s:

Juan Acevedo.
Octavio Dotel.
Luis Vizcaino.
Kyle Farnsworth.
Paul Quantril..
The Double Felix: Rodriguez and Heredia.

The Internet isn't big enough to list all the Yankee bullpen disappointments of the last 10 years.
When old guys come to the AL East, they get seriously cuffed around.

We better hope Melancon is for real.

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