Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ernie Harwell was ranked 16th on the all-time list

And The Master... ugh... isn't on it?

Joe Buck... 31?

Bill Walton... 39?

Johnny Most...?

I don't believe this.


Alibi Ike said...

Above Ernie is Graham McNamee, who (according to Wikipedia, since I ain't never heard of him) was "the medium's most recognized national personality in its first international decade." He died in 1942. Terrific.

And to have Ernie's name next to Marv "Nibbler" Albert just gives me the willies.

Richinvegas said...

Thinking of Lindsey Nelson's voice still triggers my gag reflex.

Anonymous said...


Bye Bye Balboni said...

Any list with Jon Miller on it better be a "People Who Ought To Have Their Larynxes Destroyed" list.

goldglove said...

Bob Costas???? At least Cosell's act as a self important blowhard was just act. The Scooter should be about 20 positions higher, and certainly higher than that idion Miller.