Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jackbooted MLB thugs strike again against their fans

The great website NoMaas just got its Zazzle T-shirt offerings taken down by MLB's army of lawyers.

What a load of crap. It's becoming increasingly clear that Bud Selig and his money crocodiles would happily throw every blogger in creation under the bus if there was a nickel in it for them.

It's time for bloggers to unite and call for Congress to overturn MLB's antitrust exemption, a longtime pathological lie that has been perpetrated on the American public by the coven of superrich white heirs and heiresses who treat baseball money as a birthright.

Any other sport or business would welcome the bloggers who so faithfully and lovingly promote their product. Why doesn't baseball?


She-Fan said...

I agree that it's time for an uprising. Should we camp outside their office and declare a hunger strike? I'd miss my favorite ice cream sandwiches, but a cause is a cause.

Anonymous said...

If a handful of rich white people didn't own everything (actually only 75% of everything) you wouldn't have jobs or healthcare or a house or afford the inflated ticket prices at the new mallpark, ahhhhhh they said it trickles down. These are the same MLB lawyers that won't let little leage teams call themselves the Yankees or Rangers without officially licensing the MLB. Now you know how MLB makes so much money.