Friday, October 8, 2010

... and for tonight's entertainment, watch a celebrity Twins fan go bat-shit insane over the Yankee wins!

Check out the Twitter feed of Mike Nelson, former host of the fantastic television series "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and former Minnesota resident. The two losses to the Yankees have sent him over the edge.

... and there's more. Much more.


Lou Grant said...

right you are. look at the next post

Anonymous said...

Buck Foston says,

He had a good show. Where is Crow T. Robot & Tom Servo? His 2 best buds.

BernBabyBern said...

Once they left the "Satellite of Love" I think they went to the Metrodome. Don't know if they got out before the wrecking ball hit.

(and don't forget Gypsy and Cambot)