Thursday, June 9, 2011

Perfect at home, Yanks tonight look to complete sweep

I hope it happens.

Yes, I'm rooting for us to lose.

I apologize. But I can't take it. 

I'm sick of hearing about Jeter's quest for 3,000. Frankly, I'm getting sick of hearing about Jeter.

Two nights ago, in the ninth, after Brett Gardner drew a leadoff walk, Jeter -- the experienced Captain -- didn't bother to take a 3-1 pitch, when it was clear that Papelbon was struggling. Jeter swung at the pitch, which was ball four, and popped out to right. That effectively ended our chances.

Last night, after Nunez and Cervelli - two great sluggers - hammered line drives, and while Aceves was sweating rivers - I've never seen anybody churn water that way, not even Jose Contreras, the Bronze Titan - Jeter hit into yet another double play. God, I so fear seeing that man come to the plate with a baserunner and less than two outs, it's ridiculous. How can I feel this way about Derek Jeter? But I do.

This team needs to be shaken, not stirred. Now, not later. It needs to be shaken from its moorings, whether our iconic Yankees like it or not. And we must not trade young players to prop up these guys for a last pennant run. I'd rather trade the old guys and hopefully win next year.

We don't need to trade Mark Melancon for Lance Berkman, and claim there were vacancies in our bullpen -- and 10 months later claim Jeff Marquez off waivers.

Do you believe that? All spring, they touted our young arms, and yesterday, we claimed Marquez. My God. The shakeup must include the front office.

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