Thursday, June 2, 2011

Phil Hughes Takes Big Step

Tired of sitting on the bench and thinking about baseball, Phil Hughes is preparing to begin this season anew.

Today, he will soft toss a whiffle ball to Dr. Andrews in the Alabama medical center. He will not throw any breaking balls due to the added strain on arm and shoulder joints occasioned thereby.

If Phil can extend the distance to 10 feet on two successive days, he will return to NY for further treatment and 6-8 weeks of rest.

It is hoped that Phil could be ready to face live batters in 2014.

Of course, by then he will be a free agent and likely sign with the Washington Nationals joining fellow flash in the pan Chin Mien Wong.

The Yankees would receive a compensatory draft pick, likely in about the 44th round.

Here's a better idea: Just do the surgery and forget all this re-hab crap.

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