Saturday, June 11, 2011

Yankees hoping to fill badly needed void by building another stadium in Florida?

WTF is this?

Evidently, the empty suits of Orlando are so desperate to do deals that they want to build another stadium? Didn't the Yankees just open one in Tampa? Isn't it called Steinbrenner Field? Now... Yankee Town? In Disney space? Wait a minute: Don't these stadiums only get filled during six weeks of spring training? How many stadiums do they need? How many conventions are there? Is this what passes these days as economic development?

Creative stuff, Florida! That's why you're on the vanguard for thinking outside the box. Another ballfield. Another convention center. And while we're at it, let's privatize the hospitals! Cut some teachers? Damn those unions. If only we could get rid of them.

Don't know the backstory here, but I'd bet dimes to donuts there are some really hardcore conservative Republicans pushing this abomination, looking for public money, while they scream about the deficit. And of course they've got charts and graphs to show that it'll generate money. Big charts. Big graphs. Big money. Hon joo, Florida.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bet this stadium gets our retractable roof.