Monday, September 12, 2011

Did the IT IS HIGH curse do its biggest damage yet against Cervelli?

He was barely in our victory frame, having won August Yankeee Employee of the Month, and kaboom: he not only has a terrible day, hitting wise, but he takes a header at home plate. WTF, juju gods? Are you playing with us... trying to get Jorge, Jesus and Austin Romine time behind the plate? What gives?

And to those who say we should simply vote Kei Igawa "September Yankee Employee of the Month," consider this: Igawa is no longer a Yankee employee.


Joe De Pastry said...

If someone needed to be sacrificed, who better than a mediocre player backed up by Jesus and Austin?

Stang said...

Cervelli gave everything he had to the Yankees, including his future capacity to reason, and now it appears to be over. They should buy him an SUV like the one they gave clemens.