Monday, December 5, 2022

He's Gone...


...if what YES is reporting is at all accurate.  

In the course of Brian Cashman's rambling, self-satisfied interview with Meredith Marakovits and Bob Lorenz tonight, the Yankees' newly renewed GM expressed surprise when told that Aaron Judge was currently in Tampa—but was going out to San Diego tomorrow.

When Michael Kay came back on, with the YES Hot Stove League show, he described himself as "shocked" that Cashman did not know Judge was headed for SD.


There's no way, of course, that Aaron Judge is going to fly across the country—and then back—simply to put on a happy signing show with Yankees management.  

If Judge is really going to San Diego—and if he is really announcing his decision by Wednesday—he's gone.


AboveAverage said...

Apparently Oakland offered Judge 15 years at 5 million per year. With incentives that adds up to 78 Million.

Looks like Judge IS going to a Bay Area team after all.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Pretty funny, AA!

AboveAverage said...

If it isn't pretty - who's going to notice?


AboveAverage said...
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Terry said...

How does anybody know if he's going to San Diego anyway? Somebody somewhere said that so somebody else. It's all bullshit. If Judge goes somewhere else because NY didn't match the offer, NY is toast. The fans will go nuts. If Judge decides to take LESS to go someplace else, then he's an idiot and good riddance. I hope he stays and I think he will.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Very true, Unknown. In fact, I guess you could say that Judge going to San Diego could be a known unknown, Unknown (sorry).

And I guess it could be true that he's flying out SD to have the big celebration there. But it seems more likely that he will meet with—and maybe sign with—another team at the winter meetings.

But yes, the internet is already aflame with "The Rangers signed deGrom, the Mets signed Verlander. Cashman signed himself" posts.

If Judge is NOT re-signed, there's going to be hell to pay.

13bit said...

“Hell” would be mild, Hoss, compared to what would actually happen.

EDB said...

Genius Cashman is a Geek, a Nerd and a fool. It will be 29 years as Yankees GM at the end of his contract. He will continue with his cute comments, listen to Mike Fischman, whom was on with Jack and Meredith. What a putz. He flubbed his words. Yankee's nonsense.

Celerino Sanchez said...

It appears that the only way Cashman loses his job is if he is identified as the Idaho killer or worse he caught with a MAGA hat on. It's time to move on to another team.

Kevin said...

Judge must REALLY be pissed at the Yankees talking about about the spring contract negotiations. His latest comments laid out what he believes the Yankee's motives were for doing so. Not good at all.

But make no mistake, losing him will really costs the team both in performance, attendance, and merch. All this talk about his inevitable decline is silly and narrow-minded. Fans never think about the excess value that they get from a player in his early years (assuming he blossoms at a fairly young age). Hitting over fifty homers as a rookie is a LOT of excess value. And in spite missing games he has been an outstanding player, if he played for the Red Sox ESPN would already have him in the HOF. In short, building a World Series team is a hell of a lot easier with him than without him. As an aside, I find it really bizarre that some fans on this site would laud sign DeGrom or Verlander because of the short contracts. Those guys could choke on a steak, blow three disks in their necks and never throw a pitch in anger again. Well, we all assess risk after our own fashion.