Monday, June 10, 2024

Game Thread: A Royal Pain?



Rufus T. Firefly said...

Bonehead didn't want to have too much offense with Soto back, so we have tonight's lineup.

What an embarrassment.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

A squeeze play?

The Master would be singing show tunes now!

BTR999 said...

Safety Squeeze! Perfect execution.

TheWinWarblist said...

DJ lays down a bunt and gets the run in. Don't usually like bunting in the first inning, but it got the second run in. Was DJ bunting for a hit or was it a straight sac bunt?

Fuck our manager.

TheWinWarblist said...

Who the fuck is Jahmai Jones?

BTR999 said...

Winnie, that was definitely a SAC. Good idea, since DJLM has been hitting everything on the ground, so they stay out of the DP.

Jones usually sits on the bench next to Grisham.

Kevin said...

Where's Judge? Did I miss the dreaded headline?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Rested, because Boone happens

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Is Sterling actually managing?

TheWinWarblist said...

I hope so Rufus T. I hope so.

JM said...

Bunts, intelligent base running...who are these guys?

TheWinWarblist said...

JM certainly not that bunch of mooks we saw this weekend.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

When was the last time the Yankees executed a squeeze play in the first inning? 🤔

Was Rizzuto batting?

TheWinWarblist said...

Who is this Rodon person? WHO??

JM said...

Hamilton seems a little off.

JM said...

Perez was Stantonesque chasing that bad low and outside pitch.

JM said...

When did anyone on this team learn to bunt?

JM said...

Gulf of Tonkin has to close it out.

AboveAverage said...

Hello Everyone! Waving to you all from California! Tonkin ROCKS!

JM said...

Going for the second save of his career.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win!!!

JM said...

Thuuuuuuuuh Yankees win!!!

AboveAverage said...

The Yankees Just WoN!

Hinkey Haines said...

How did we get from Tonkin getting cut about 100 times being asked to close a game?

JM said...

And then succeeding at it?

AboveAverage said...

Allow me to offer this up because Winny may be unconscious.


Kevin said...

This might be a Team of Destiny winning with that putrid lineup.

Mildred Lopez said...

The calculus teacher locks it down!

Rufus T. Firefly said...

If games were a paintings, that one would have been a Dali.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Mildred, that made me laugh out loud 🤣

BTR999 said...

No incident in the Gulf of Tonkin tonight.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Hey, there never was!

AboveAverage said...

SAME as it never was

HoraceClarke66 said...

By the by, while I'm greatly relieved to hear that Judge was not hurt...what sort of manager "rests" a player who is in the middle of the greatest hot streak maybe ever?

Crazy. And again, acting as though hot and cold doesn't exist.

AboveAverage said...

Hoss - Boone is a special kind of fella.

Fits right in to the Hal and Cash fold.

I just hope that they bathe.

13bit said...

I think I'm finally testing negative and am ready to rejoin the fold.

As for bathing - overrated.

Do you know the anecdote about Napoleon sending a message ahead to Josephine that said, basically, "I'm arriving home in 5 days. Don't bathe."?

That's the way I feel now,, so lift those coverlets up, gents, I"m moving in....

Okay, back to the delirium room.

And fuck Brian, by the way. Woke up on 3rd and thinks he got a blowjob from Marilyn Monroe.

Joe Formerlyof Brooklyn said...

I thought Bitty made up that stuff about Nappy (a fine Italian gentleman!).

Turns out, according to one web post, he did get it wrong.

It was 3 days.

Bitty, I will never doubt you again. What do you really thing of Stanton, by the way?

Joe Formerlyof Brooklyn said...

That was spozed to be "think"...

13bit said...

Joe, no worries.

I think Stanton is a fine human who happens to be kind of dumb, complacent, overhyped, underwhelming, full of himself and would be better off playing on ANY OTHER TEAM. He is the cinder block tied to our feet as the two grim dudes take us out to the outer harbor in a small boat. He is the dogshit under my shoe that I only discover after I have been padding around my apartment for ten minutes already. He is the worm in the apple. He is the stick in the spokes, the turd in the punch bowl, the kid who rides up after the fight, saying "did we win?" He is a pox upon us. Is he in Pavano territory? Ellsburg environs? Chapo land? Maybe not, but he's clogging up the works, clogging up the payroll situation and clogging up the toilet of life. Fuck him and the horse Brian hauled him in on. God bless everybody.