Saturday, August 10, 2024

Could it be.....YES! Another Doubleheader !!!



BTR999 said...

First in! Torres with his head up his ass as usual.

AboveAverage said...

one zip - we'll need to score at least five more to win

Pocono Steve said...

3-0. Rangers are ahead as far as I'm concerned.

Publius said...

Caitlin Clark in the booth

Publius said...

With Suzyn, and a convicted felon

BTR999 said...

Big hit by Wells. Unacceptable AB by Volpe with RISP

Pocono Steve said...

Rice, too.

BTR999 said...

Yes, Steve

Pocono Steve said...

If they don't score this inning with two on and Soto and Judge up, I'm becoming a Cubs fan.

Pocono Steve said...

They scored this inning.

BTR999 said...

All is Wells

Pocono Steve said...

How does Torres fail now?

acrilly said...

hat tip…Yanks Go Yard for the article. Aroldis Tat-man is throwing 104-105mph heat for our minor league affiliate in the NL.

JM said...

Well, at least we should win this one. And Marinara is back! Finally.

Pocono Steve said...

Craig Carton with the play by play on radio. Yecch.

BTR999 said...

Don’t phone the 2nd game in! Push!

BTR999 said...

Despise Carton. Doesn’t know jack about BB.

Pocono Steve said...

Mets fan, too, I'm pretty sure.

BTR999 said...

Volpe needs some coaching up

AboveAverage said...

👻 Booooooooooooooooooooooooooone

AboveAverage said...


AboveAverage said...

Can’t Run barely made it to second on that smash

Pocono Steve said...

Anything good must immediately be negated by something bad. It's the Yankee way.

Rufus T. Firefly said...

what time is the game on tonight?

AboveAverage said...

Rufus - it was on three hours from now

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Should I set the wayback machine Mr. Peabody, or should I just commit ritual hari kari?

Askeen' fur myfren

AboveAverage said...

My advice, Rufus is to wash, rinse, repeat