Friday, March 21, 2025

Win prediction for 2025

 This year's version of the Yankee will win more than twenty games.   The real question is;  how many more?

Here are some factors to consider:

1.  We have lost our top two pitchers for the season ( if you think Gil is coming back, you are drinking again).  And Schmidt is "iffy".  Already, he will miss his first scheduled start. 

2.  Bellinger is hitting nearly .500 in spring training games. 

3. The Martian has started to hit everything hard. 

4.  Austin looks like a great player on the cusp.

5.  Rice is raking and looking comfortable at first, at DH and behind the plate. 

6.  Starters after Rodon and that new lefty have to be regarded as: " really?"

7.  We have an excellent set up guy and closer.  The innings 5-7 are not secure, by any measure.

8.  Judge will hit.  I'm sure he will hit. He has to hit. 

9.  We will have to be satisfied with defense at third, and no offense at all. 

10.  Jazz is looking hot and bold.  A fine middle infield he makes, as our second baseman.

11.  I like that back-up catcher from the Milagro bean fields. 

12.  Volpe will hit .250.  He is a gamer. 

13.  I don't see Goldschmidt as being a star for us.  I mostly see him on the IR.  That hurts. 

All things considered, this team will struggle to win 88 games.   But that is number my algorithm generated. 


AboveAverage said...

thank you alphonso - whoever you may be

Carl J. Weitz said...

I'm going to do a Price is Right move to Alphonso: 87 wins.

13bit said...

You guys make me believe that crack is back in a big way. Anything over 77 wins is not reality. And I am being wildly optimistic here. I’m not saying 77 yet, but that’s as high as I’m gonna go. If I really have balls, my prediction would be for 73. Maybe I should just say 75 right now and be done with it. I will wait for the official poll to be published in the paper version of the blog gazette.

Jaraxle said...

Once again, I will go optimistic and say…. 91 wins

DickAllen said...

The only way anything changes for this (dis)organization is for this alleged team to come in under 500. I'm praying the Yankees lose 86 games this year and in November The Intern and Baboooooone are gone.

But that is a fantasy. Realistically, the Yankees make the playoffs again with 92 wins, and get eliminated by the Detroit Tigers. Again.

Doug K. said...

Is this the official wins post? Put me down for 93.

Copelius said...