Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ask The Manager

As famous for his baseball expertise as for his burn-victim good looks, Cleveland Indians skipper Eric Wedge will answer your questions in this space.

Q: Skip, who do you like in the playoffs?

A: The Yankees have been winning playoff ball for two months. No margin for error and they stepped up. Threw a good scare into the Red Sox. Forget A-Rod. He's ridiculous. Look at that whole lineup. What's Cano batting, eighth? Up and down, you never get a break. And just when you forget about him, Jeter will pull off a miracle. And those kids. Jesus. Joba will make you helpless and Duncan will make you pay. There's no getting around that ballclub.

I pick the Yankees to take it all.


Postgame Update:
It seems Wedgie doesn't know what he's talking about after all. You can still leave a question for him anyway. In the comments. If you want. I don't know why you would. But go ahead.


Anonymous said...

Dear Superfrank,

I think it's time I teach you to enjoy football.

- Fonzy

Stang said...

Maybe you're right, Fonz. Anything but this.