Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Case for Tony

A fearless, 6'7" tower of pitching-terror named Tony Clark is out there for the plucking.

Who needs A-Rod? For the right price, we could nab T-Clar!

A former Yank (the legend '04'ers), the 36-year-old "Tone" will chase his milestone 250th HR next year. He won't come cheap. He blasted 17 last year: That's Abreu territory!

Still, Tony'd be the first to tell you his .249 batting average could be higher.

Tony Clark... why the hell not?

Yankees '08!
What can we lose?


rap said...

It's actually not a bad idea.

Not a funny idea, though...

Anonymous said...

Tony is not a bad choice. I think the Yankee's best shot next year is to have 11 guys who can play first base in a pinch.

Tony Clark fits the bill nicely. And, if the Mets sign A-Rod, we might sign David Wright and move him into the mix.

So we can have Phillips, Duncan, Giambi, Clark, Sojo ( a secret signee ), Eric Duncan ( who will get white hot this Spring in Tampa ), Doug M.,Jorge, Damon, David Wright and Wilson Betemit ready to pitch in. And who knows, maybe Jesus will be ready by then.

No, I am not counting.

By the way, Tony Clark has played in a lot more World Series than A-Rod. And he is only 47 years old.

A perfect Yankee addition.

Come on Brian, pull the trigger !!

- Alphonso ( from Lourdes )