Monday, March 10, 2008

Our Man in Tampa: Alphonso's Photo Blog day with Carl Pavano

It's been a busy weekend, in and out of the emergency room, but there's no better way to enjoy a spiritual Sunday than "hanging" with one of the great former future Yank greats of all time, Carl Pavano.

And that's what Alphonso did.


7:03 a.m. I approach Carl's residence with trepidation. I've heard rumors that some Yank fans have sought to do an "Ed Whitson" on his home. Thankfully, that hasn't happened, though I think Carl could show a little more "neighborhood pride."

8:03 a.m. I won't sugarcoat this. Carl has issues.

8:30 a.m. To stay focused and get his career back on track, Carl keeps to a strict schedule.

10:01 a.m. But when friends arrive, there's another motto. All work and no play make Carl a dull boy.

11:40 a.m. The phone rings. It's Brian Cashman!

11:47 a.m. Cash wants Carl to visit Legends Field for a physical. Fearing unruly fans, Carl dons a subtle but effective disguise.

1:04 p.m. On the ride, Carl yells, "STOP THE CAR!" and visits the accident site where he broke his ribs two years ago. Still looking for the contact lens.

2:30 p.m. Outside Legends Field, who greets us but Mrs. Johnny Damon.

3:32 p.m. Good news! The Yanks want Carl to train at their new experimental workout facility.

5 p.m. Back home, Carl studies his new assignment.

6:30 p.m. A long ends happily when The Captain arrives. Out in the Bay, everything seems right again.

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