Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Things shouted by the Cambridge mob while beating up that Yankee fan Saturday night

A group of men — some with Irish accents — beat up a 23-year-old Cambridge man and sent him to the hospital Saturday night after they spotted him sporting a Yankees baseball cap. Witnesses told police the group of apparent diehard Red Sox fans beat up the victim after an argument inside a Central Square bar.

"Hit him, Joey, hit him! How else is he gonna know Jason Varitek is the best catcher in the American League!"

"Sal, this is a great change of pace. I was getting tired of jacking gays."

"Watch out, Ed. He's not moving, but neither was Don Zimmer before he charged Pedro."

"Look, guys! I'm like Curt! I kicked his face so hard I got a bloody sock!"

"Hold off, men. Let's leave a few licks for the Cambridge Police."
"Good job, Andy. Next time, he'll think twice before making fun of Big Papi."

"Way to taunt, Ralph. You were shaking your fist like fukinay Papelbon!"

"Aw, let him keep on punching. That’s just Charlie being Charlie."

"That's enough, guys. He's not moving. Let's go find some Muslims."

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