Saturday, August 2, 2008

Employee of the Month: Kei Igawa

Kei Igawa, Mr. July

Fun facts about Kei:

Because Kei, historically, never pitched well in day games, he wears sunglasses during afternoon contests to trick himself into believing it is night!

In 2005, because of poor pitching, Kei's Japanese team sent him to the minors!

Kei loves shogi, Japanese chess, which means his nickname -- when he makes it to the big club -- could be "Shogi Berra!"

Lifetime, Kei is 2-3 with a 6.25 ERA!

Workhorse Kei currently is ranked 7th in the International League is innings pitched!

Kei is leading the Scranton-Wilkes Barre Yanks in wins and strikeouts!

Congratulations, Kei Igawa, YANKEE EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH!


Anonymous said...

He's not good in night games either.

But he has done better in AAA. Hopefully this will boost his trade value over the off-season.

Anonymous said...

this blogs EOTM is a huge jinx.

you just ruined Kei's ML career.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Kei ruined his own ML career.