Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hector "Brown" Noesi Chewing in Charleston

(Info stolen from the great Was Watching, which filched it from the magnificent John Torenli)

Write this down: Far-flung potential has a new name.

Hector Noesi.

He's 22, and to the folicle batters of the Atlantic Coast League, he's an electric nasal hair clipper running on five C-cell batteries. He's Roy Halladay using Roger Clemens trainer and Doc Ellis' Kool Aid.

He hasn't allowed a run in 20 1/3 innings this season.

Last night, he threw seven hitless innings over the always-dangerous Lexington Legends in Applebee's Park, the stadium where all your neighbors love to hang out.

Hector "Brown" Noesi.

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