Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How to insult your fans, let us count the ways...

1. Charge $2,000 per ticket.

2. Make them wait two hours in the pouring rain.

3. Strike out a zillion times.

4. Go a month without beating your arch rival.

5. Leave the tying run on second.

6. Have the fans get home around 3 a.m.

7. Whine about the umpire.

Let's just hope our diehards in attendance ate choice cuts of angus in the Yankee Steakhouse ("the porterhouse that Ruth built") or frooged the night away in the Hard Rock Cafe.


Wading Bird said...

5. Keep Hank away from the microphone.

Bostowned said...

8. Continue to have Michael Kay talk about how "historically Teixeria and Sabathia have slow April's"....while in May.

Mike said...

9. Put Berroa in your starting lineup.

Whitey Schadenfraudenstein said...

So glad I bailed early.

She-Fan said...

Refuse to run She-Fan's ad in your opening day program.

Keep Freddy Sez and his pots and pans out of your new stadium.

Bar Mrs. Paul O'Neill from the wives lounge during the rain delay because she's not a "current Yankees wife."
