Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We helped write the book, so help buy it!

By Mark Reiter and Richard Sandomir

(No, that's not us.)

Brackets on pop culture, history, celebrities, etc.,
compiled by the most renowned authorities in each field.

(That's us.)


Including a bracket by IT IS HIGH...

Yes, we compare:

Sexually Inadequate Sports Nicknames.

The Rash v. The Worm.

Knobby v. Stump.

Wee Willie v. Minnie.

Yeah, the economy stinks. Yeah, you're out of work. Well, tough titty said the kitty with the milk so dry. You came to this site. You've read this far. You've drank the Kool-Aid. Now it's time to stare directly into the sun and dig for the wallet. That's right. Fork over some dough, some cabbage, some moolah, skeep, gleeba, connforbite, eega-meega -- yeah, that's right... some old-fashioned green hopzoig quarbon!

Buy it.


Whitey Fraud said...

I'm still casing local joints for She-Fan's book to "borrow." So, nah.

She-Fan said...

I'll send you one, Whitey, if you promise to forcefully insist that all Miami residents buy it.