Monday, November 2, 2009

Girardi Decision Blows Series For Yanks !

This was idiotic from moment one. Starting AJ on 3 days rest.

Chad Gaudin could have given us a decent start, and Hughes, Ace, and other bullpen failures could have mopped up. There was never any chance of the Yankees hitting Lee. Never.

So now we have two guys on 3 days rest to pitch games 6 and 7, while the Phillies have Pedro and Hamels on regular rest.

Great planning.

Pettitte cannot pitch successfully on short rest at his age. So we shall have a game 7 with CC trying to do it a 3rd time.

If we had conceded this game, ( and Gaudin might have done well ), both AJ and Andy would have been on full rest. Now, we have nothing.

Now, it is 2004 again.

Thanks , Joe, for again over- managing yet again. This is pure stupidity.

Number 27 will have to come next year.

With Derek, and Mo and Jorge and Andy another year older.

With another classic collapse on their hands.



Whitey Fraud said...

I wholeheartedly agree with the sagacious perspicacity of my esteemed colleague, Dr. Alphonso, OD.

Knobby said...

The Yankees are winning 27 this year. The forever 4 will come through as a whole. This was an idiotic move though and it put us in a tough position for wednesday. If the yankees manage to blow this , its time to discuss finding a new manager. In fact every Yankee fan should be outraged if Girardi is still manager after such a collapse.

The Ghost of Scott Brosius said...

Hey Hey, the pessimist is back. I do have to say that I missed Alph's rants.

While he makes a lot of valid points, Pedro in Yankee Stadium could potentially blow up for the Phillies.

However, if we do lose this series, this will probably happen. And people better be fired.

Stang said...

Fonz, you know I admire your Yankee wisdom chops, but you just said the Phillies will have Cole Hamels on regular rest like that's a plus for them.

David said...

Get a grip. The Yankees are winning this series.

Robk said...

"the Phillies have Pedro and Hamels on regular rest"

That's supposed to be good news for them? I like our spot.

JohnF said...

Who's to say Burnett would have pitched any better on regular rest? The guy is a loser.

dadlak said...

Loser, maybe, but he did come up with that great pie-in-the-face thing - worth his entire $16 million salary according to at least one expert.

Joe DePastry said...

Pettitte and Pedro both get knocked out early. The set up men all get rocked. It comes down to Lidge vs. Mariano at midnight. I like our chances.

Amy said...

The Phillies need to win!!!

nfl picks said...

What's he supposed to do though? I guess they could have just forfeited game 5 and pitched their best in New York.