Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yankeetorial: The New York Times is Trying to Steal our Luxury Box Money

The NY Che Guevara Tribune-Bee-Tattler is at it again! Along with their calls for the Total Redistribution of U.S. Wealth And Free Viagra for Pedophiles Act of 2010, the Pulitzer Posse is now saying things so dastardly that I'm shivering, as my fingers strike the KEEEYs. (Dammit, that's how mad as I am hell and... A$%$#!)

In an Op-Ed page, the Blame-Yankees-First Times -- (True Fact: Boston's half-owner from Casey-Werner sold his old Cosby episodes, plus his interest in the NY Times, to help John Henry finance the Redsocks) -- claims Yankee Stadium luxury boxes (pictured right) should NOT be tax write-offs for giant Yankee-loving evil death jell corporations.

There are many reasons for the price explosion, but a critical factor has been the ability of businesses to write off tickets as entertainment expenses — essentially a huge, and wholly unnecessary, government subsidy.

These deductions have led to higher ticket prices in two ways. On the demand side, they have fueled competition for scarce seats, with business taxpayers bidding in part with dollars they save through the deductions.

Thank you, Times. Thank you, so very much.

There goes Carl Crawford.


Well, it means we need free public money! WTF? Do they think AJ and CC play for Medicaid reimbursements? Hell no. They play, so scumbag bankers who have already ripped off the U.S. economy can GIVE A LITTLE BACK to you and me -- Yankee fans!

It's the best deal capitalism will give us this Depression. And now The killjoy Times wants to end it.

They won't be happy until we're playing Dooley Womack and that pitcher from Philadelphia, Bastardo. That's who they want. Alfredo Bastardo.

TEA PARTY NOW. Remember: Every "TEAM" has "TEA" in it.

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