Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Twin City Tsouris

After the trouble the high holy days inspired Ian Kinsler gave us in Texas a few weeks ago, now we have to contend with the hot hitting rookie, Danny Valencia.
Evidently Danny did Benjamin Netanyahu a solid by scouting out delicatessens in Toronto for him. Now he wants to return the favor.  For sure the Mossad hasn't forgiven us for Ronan Tynan. Will A-Rod get his bat corked with chicken fat? Will the Gatorade bucket get spiked with Manischewitz?
Since we have no Yankee with any credentials to appeal to (Jeremy Bleich may make it to the majors some time in 2020) we're in deep drek


Rick Sanchez said...

hey look what happened to me?

Paul Simon said...

Billy Crystal and I will see what we can do to intervene

Robert Merrill said...

it might be tougher for me, but I'll also try