Friday, October 15, 2010

The Two Faces Of Frank Gifford

The nerve of this guy to malign the Mick.
from the ny fan forum
Hey, is this predictable? Mantle plays ball for 18 years, ends up in Cooperstown, so what does SI run in the latest issue? Of course, the chapter on the 1957 Copa brawl, in which Mantle was an innocent, though inebriated, bystander.
    Best of all, Frank Gifford, who was screwing anything that moved while wife Cathy Lee was being the good Born Again housewife and Regis babysitter, is quoted as saying that A. he didn't use Mantle's locker during the football season, it was Mantle who used Gifford's locker during the baseball season. Hoo boy! and B. Mantle was a rotten person that the holy Gifford wanted nothing to do with. Looks like Bednarik did a major job on the thinking part of Gifford's brain.
    Another wonderful hatchet job on SI's favorite team and player.

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