Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hero Yankees defend honor, regain respect, back on road to championship

Yeah. Right. Look, everybody, if it isn't the big, tough "fightin'" Yankees! Woo-hoo! Dijah see them last night? They pounded them "widdle kids" from the AL Central! Wow.  I'm impressed. Standing tall, Arod! Way to go, Grandy! Home runs! Your mommys and daddys must be sooooooooooooo proud. You're toughest kids on the playground. I bet you fellers could bring home a Wild Card!

I'm sorry. I apologize for this negativity. I'm really trying. But if we crap our pants every time we see a Boston cap, what's the point? I'm sicking of beating Oakland, simply because we spend more on our infield than they do on their team.  

Listen: If the Yankees had an ounce of integrity, we would have lost last night and put somebody new on the disabled list. Didn't someone get hurt?

In fact, we almost did lose. It would have been a masterpiece. We led 11-2 in the eighth and still had to use Mariano. (OK, he could probably use the work, but WTF?) Kevin Whelan (whom I'm rooting for, as the last vestige of the Humberto washout/Gary Sheffield trade) was horrible. Sheffield could have been more effective. If George were alive, the poor guy might be sent to Scranton, never to return. (He still might.)

I refuse to offer hope for this Yankee team, and I suggest that anybody who does is a gullible glutton of glop for the YES Yankeeganda Yankeespeak machine.

Those cannot remember the past... are Met fans.

1 comment:

JM said...

That line about the glop tells me you've been reading LoHud Yankees again.

Boy, are their heads way up Yankee management's you-know-what.

Beat journalists have it tough, though. Once they start writing the unvarnished truth, they need a new beat. Because they'll never get into the clubhouse again. Unless they have those pictures of Cashman and Weiner. Then, yeah, okay.