Monday, September 5, 2011

America And America's Team In Crisis Mode

An excerpt from Pete Abraham at the Boston Globe: 
....."I've never had it happen before," he said. "It’s something in my ankle, I’m not sure what,” Beckett said. “It's always concerning. That's my power leg. With the way I pitch, I don’t think I can cut my leg off. It’s definitely stiff.” Until he came out, Beckett was working on a shutout and had struck out six. He didn't feel anything until the fourth inning. Beckett threw a 1-and-1 curveball to Brett Lawrie and landed awkwardly, appearing to have caught his spikes in the rubber. He stayed in the game, trying a pickoff throw to first base before throwing a 94-mph fastball just off the outside corner. Beckett then walked to the back of the mound as catcher Jason Varitek came out from behind the plate and motioned to the dugout. Francona and head athletic trainer Mike Reinold came out to attend to the pitcher. “I felt it on the second-to-last pitch. It felt a little bit different on the last pitch I threw. It was bothering me,” Beckett said. “It felt like it was locked up and then like it popped in and out of socket or something.” The Red Sox seemed concerned after the game, general manager Theo Epstein leaving Terry Francona’s office with a grim expression. “We really don’t know. It was getting stiff and it was getting sore, so we got him out of there,” Francona said “Now we’ll see what’s going on in there.”.....


Lyn Lary said...

I think the problem is that Beckett’s ankle just started to naturally ossify because of how long he takes between pitches.

At other times, especially when he used to pitch in Florida where there was more moisture, rain would seep into Beckett’s skin and actually fossilize parts of his body, much as they do to tree stumps in the Petrified Forest. There were days when you might just see one Beckett’s finger joints, or maybe an ear lobe snap off during the epochs that passed while he stood stock still on the mound.

Meanwhile, I’m sure the Sox crack trainers are already busy painting a realistic, red “blood” mark on his sock.

The Colonel said...

I thought it was his face that was fossilized.

Joe De Pastry said...

When did Ralph Kramden become governor of NJ?