Thursday, October 3, 2013

Yankee Headlines if the YES Network merged with Fox News

Yanks excited about October schedule slimdown 

Americans overwhelmingly reject flawed, Yankee-excluded "playoffs"

Vets decry closing of Yankee Stadium memorial merely because season has slowed.

Exclusive: Hillary "I've always been a Yankee fan" Clinton demanded Granderson trade.

Yanks to MLB: No World Series unless Pedroiacare is voided.

Source: Arod received overseas phone call on night of Benghazi attack.


Steve Doocy said...

Some say that: “It is high it is far it is caught” bloggers promote class warfare with their rants against Yankee owners. Why do they hate our American free-market system?

KD said...

your hardon for Fox reminds me of the macho dude who flagrantly puts down homosexuals while frequenting out of town gay bars incognito.