Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It is high, it is far, it is... called back by instant replay: John's first Ellsbury home run call is nullified

For the record, it was a two-tiered, alliterative pun, using both names, but in a reverse sequence, which signifies the fact that Ellsbury has reversed - he now is playing for the Yankees, against his old teammates.

Ells... BURIES one. It's a JACK by Jacoby. 

The wait is over. Now, we simply need a home run call that lasts five minutes.


Leinstery said...

I already gave you a five minute home run call. "Ellsbury Fields Forever" by John Sterling featuring the Beatles.

el duque said...

I think John's musical sensibilities ended about eight years before the Beatles came.

Well... except for Sammy.

Anonymous said...

And that fan that interfered needs un correazo.

ceeja said...

"Ellsbury Fields Forever" -- that's pretty good.

I'm surprised this guy is 0 for April in the home run department. Hopefully he hasn't lost all his power. I was counting on 20+ homers from him.