Thursday, October 10, 2024

Game Face . . . .

Pumped up and Ready to Go . . . .


JM said...

He looks thrilled.

In which inning will he have to be taken out? Third? Fourth? Fifth?

And how many runs will we need to catch up?

AboveAverage said...

And WIL it be GIL that replaces him . . .

JM said...

That lack of control thing is like Jasson's lack of defense thing. Soto's lack of defense is given a pass because, you know, he's Soto, for fuck's sake.

Mildred Lopez said...

Rather see the bored, pissed off Flouncy than the hyperventilating Rhoda

JM said...

We R Headcases.

AboveAverage said...
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AboveAverage said...

In Cole's defense, it was the bottom of the first inning and it was a playoff game, so, I could see how it could have been a bit of a slog . . .

mik said...

Maybe he will be THE ACE we need tonight. We shall see...

Doctor T said...

At least he can't be replaced with Warren or Leiter, Jr., so there's hope.

Doctor T said...

Some fine pre-game snark going on here. I wish I could upvote.