Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Our Man in Albany: Alphonso's Photo Blog with Elliot Spitzer

Early Monday, he got the call from a close bud in Albany.

Alphonso put to rest his Sunday with Carl Pavano and headed into the vortex/hornets' nest/comfort station that is called New York State politics.

By now, you know how Gov. Elliot Kibitzer was visiting Cherry Valley when he was supposed to be in Utica. Fortunately, he had Alphonso.

Here's Alphonso's Monday Photo Blog between Florida and New York.


6:02 a.m. The call comes in from Elliot: "GIT YER BONEY BUTT UP HERE FAST, AL, I NEED YA." I try to be diplomatic. I say, 'But... well... I'm with someone." Yep. Last night I picked up one of the Tampa Bay players' wives. It was late. I'd had a few. They always look worse in the a.m.

8:03 a.m. I drop her off with her husband, Joe Maddon, I think his name is, and I'm on my way. Straight to NYC. When I get there, I find my pal CurveBall, and a top aide to Elliot looking on edge.

11:45 a.m. CurveBall heads to the governor's office after a little dust-up with some Albany Times-Union hack.

12:39 p.m. I meet with Team Spitzer in the Secret Electronic Thought-Enhancement Cavern.

2:37 p.m. We meticulously check everybody to make sure they're not wearing a wire.

2:44 p.m. While Elliot deals with the press, I'm in charge of deleting photos from his cell phone. Wouldn't you know: There are some keepers!

I think is the most most incriminating.

And this one, apparently of his time as Client Number 9.

3:40 p.m. TROUBLE. We get out of the news confernce to find reporter Elizabeth Bushmiller of the New York Times.

7:35 p.m. By now, there's no hope for Elliot. In some places, people are holding public recreations of his acts with a prostitute.

8:02 p.m.
I take Elliot home and tell him to get a good's night's sleep. It won't be easy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are too much, pal.

Great work.

Love the ping pong bong.